Pro-family activism that makes a difference!

Australian National Parliament to vote on "gay marriage" within days! MassResistance helping activists fight back.

MassResistance helping activists educate politicians with "same-sex marriage" booklet.

POSTED: August 17, 2012

The latest "gay marriage" emergency is Australia. After intense lobbying by homosexual groups and pro-gay legislators, the Australian Parliament is poised to vote on a "gay marriage" bill that would change the entire country. MassResistance has gotten involved with activists to help educate the politicians.

Australia homosexual lobby organized march through streets of Melbourne demanding gay marriage. [Photo: Herald Sun]

Vote could come any day

The vote could take place any day next week. Bills can go through both Houses of Parliament quickly. As Patrick Andersen, a pro-family activist in Queensland told us, "It is very serious here. We could have gay-marriage as law within a week or two."

This vote is particularly crucial because if it passes there is no practical recourse for the people. Andersen added, "If the Federal Parliament passes it, it will become the law of the land and the law in every State and Territory. It is very unlikely to be challenged in the High Court and in most cases would not succeed anyhow (unless the Bill was drafted incorrectly)." In addition, he said, Australia does not have a national "referendum" process -- the law can only be repealed by Parliament.

MassResistance "same sex marriage" booklets given to every Member of Parliament

One of the powerful tools in the pro-family battle to educate people -- and especially politicians -- of the disastrous effects of "gay marriage" has been our MassResistance booklet "What same-sex 'marriage' has done to Massachusetts." Since 2008, it has been used across the US, from Hawaii to Maine, and has just been released in a new, expanded second edition.

Over the past few weeks a number of activists across Australia have contacted MassResistance seeking our help.

Andersen told us he wanted to send copies of it to every member of Parliament before they voted. He wanted a version with a special cover tailored to Australians. We were happy to help him do that.

Here's what Patrick Andersen reported back to us on Friday:

I managed to get 250 copies of the booklet printed up, addressed envelopes to every Member of Federal Parliament and posted the booklet to catch Tuesday night's mail. The booklets went out to all 150 members of the House of Representatives (Lower House) and to all 76 Senators (Upper House).

Cover of the Australian version of the MassResistance booklet given to Members of Parliament.

I had a phone call from one MP (not my own representative) on Thursday afternoon to thank me for the booklet and to assure me of his support for our cause. His phone call confirmed that the booklets had reached each MP before any vote was taken, something I was concerned about.

Fortunately, the gay marriage bill has been delayed in Parliament due to another more urgent matter (asylum seekers, sometimes called boat people). It was rumoured that the gay marriage bill would be brought up last week. The MP (an LCP member-see below) who phoned me could not give me any timetable as to exactly when it might be brought up; it is up to the whim of the government. But it's assumed it will happen within a week or two.

It's going to be a tumultuous week, that's for sure. Besides Patrick Andersen, other pro-family groups in the fight include the group "Same Sex Marriage" (which links to MassResistance) and The Australian Family Association. He added that there are several other Christian groups involved.

Copies of MassResistance booklet about to be mailed to every member of the Australian National Parliament

The gay-marriage political situation in Australia . . .

On Friday Patrick Andersen also gave us some more interesting background on the 'gay marriage' political situation in Australia:

Australia is governed by a Federal Parliament and six State Parliaments (New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania) additionally, we have two major Territories (Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory) each with their own Parliament but these two bodies can be over-ruled in certain circumstances by the Federal Parliament.

In the constitution our founding fathers assigned Marriage to be a Federal responsibility.

Federally, Australia has two major political parties; Liberal-Country Coalition (LCP) and Labor party and a minor Greens party.

Our Federal Parliament is currently run by a minority government of the Labor party supported by the Greens party and a couple of independent members. For many reasons it is not a very popular government with the electorate.

The governing party in Australia is led by the Prime Minister and a Cabinet of about twenty Ministers. Our Prime Minister is Julia Gillard who enjoys (?) a popularity of about 30%. Intensely disliked by the majority.

The opposition party in Federal Parliament (Liberal-Country Coalition) is headed by Tony Abbot, a practicing Christian and a hard headed politician. He heads up a shadow Cabinet.

Labor party policy, in keeping with its socialist leanings, is for gay-marriage. The Prime Minister, even though she is a member of Emily's List and an atheist has said she WILL allow a conscience vote by Labor MPs when the gay marriage bill is brought up.

The Liberal-Country party (LCP) does not endorse gay-marriage. The leader Tony Abbott has said he will NOT allow a conscience vote by his members.

The Greens, a party with extreme humanistic and socialistic policies, wants gay-marriage and almost every other social experiment going.

How the gay-marriage vote will go when it is brought up is a bit up-in-the-air. Presumably if the LCP all vote no and a few of the Labor party vote no all should be well but some LCPs may cross the floor and vote yes. We simply don't know.

If the gay-marriage bill passes the Lower house it still has to negotiate the Upper house (the Senate). Here the going probably will be easier for the yes voters as the Greens hold a good balance of power in this house.

I noted above that marriage is the responsibility of Federal Parliament but recently the Tasmania and South Australia Parliaments (Tasmania Greens dominated and South Australia Labor dominated) have given notice that they will bring forward bills to allow gay-marriage in their states. If this happens and the bills are passed there is a strong possibility that these will be challenged in the High Court of Australia (our highest court) as being against the constitution. Challenged by whom I do not know but it could happen. (I will be mailing the MassResistance booklet to these members in the days ahead also.)

If Federal Parliament doesn't pass it the threat still isn't over. . .

It's becoming a two-front war. The homosexual lobby in Australia is relentless.

Suppose gay marriage fails to pass in the Federal Parliament? As mentioned above, it's still not over. The local Parliaments in Tasmania and South Australia are poised to introduce it.

We talked to Martin Webb, an activist in Tasmania. Here are his observations:

Marriage is a federal matter but two states (Tasmania & South Australia) are bringing forward their own legislation to allow for same-sex marriage because one constitutional expert thinks that it will be sufficiently different to "traditional marriage" for there to be no conflict between the two laws. (If there was a conflict the federal law would override the state law).

I live in Tasmania and they expect debate to begin in 8-10 weeks. Don't know anything else about South Australia.

My view is that whichever state legalises SSM first might end up like Massachusetts because hardly anyone knows what will happen. Might be harder to legalise SSM in subsequent states because at least people can ring their friends in Tasmania and find out what has really happened. . . We do have a referendum process. But only 8 out of 44 previous referenda have passed.

I was thinking of offering the MassResistance booklet to politicians when I lobby them and showing it to church leaders, etc., for their possible distribution.

MassResistance is committed to helping the Australians pro-family activists in every way possible. And we will keep you informed as things happen.

Does this seem familiar? Premier of South Australia addresses gay marriage rally outside of Parliament. [Photo: AdelaideNow]

Get your copy of the booklet -- and help MassResistance continue the fight!

Within days of the release of the new expanded version of "What same-sex marriage has done to Massachusetts" it became clear that this will be a major weapon in the crucial battles this year against same-sex marriage. Hundreds of copies almost immediately went out the door, and we've had a second batch printed.

Don't let the homosexual movement hide the truth!

Homosexual activists like to say to people across the country that "the sky didn't fall" in Massachusetts. Well, get a copy and read it for yourself. We can't stress enough how the long-term effects of imposing "gay marriage" force offensive and destructive changes on society. We hope this new version helps educate people even more!

It works. For example, here's an interview we did last week on the CrossTalk radio show, which airs on the VCY America network in the Midwest and elsewhere. For days after the show, our phone was ringing with people asking about it. People couldn't get the book fast enough.

MassResistance interview on CrossTalk national radio show about new edition of "What same-sex 'marriage' has done to Massachusetts."

Crosstalk Radio Interview

Support MassResistance -- and our efforts to educate citizens at this critical time!

We're bringing back our earlier offer. Everyone donating to MassResistance through the end of August will get a free booklet! (What better summer reading is there?)

Especially now, we need your financial support. Ask yourself: Who else does what we do? And if we weren't here, who would do it? Be a part of the battle. Help us keep fighting back! We don't have a Board of wealthy businessmen to fund us. We depend on people like you.

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