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Status of Bill H4664 in the Massachusetts Legislature

A cruel, dangerous, and unconstitutional bill that MUST be stopped

Being pushed by the radical LGBT groups targeting vulnerable children

Updated: July 13, 2018

Bill H4664 has passed the House and is currently in the Senate Rules Committee. It could be sent to the Senate floor for a vote at any time!

The legislative session ends on July 31. If we can stop it by then, we've done it! But the LGBT lobby is fighting hard to push it through, so WE must fight even harder.

      Text of Bill H4664

      Here's how bad it is: Read our handout describing Bill H4664

Let the Senators know they must vote "NO":

      Find out who your Senator is. 

      Here’s the list of State Senate contact info.

Outrageous: Here's how the House members voted on this hideous bill!


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