Had enough? Citizens, take back your government!

Bills before the Education Committee
on Thursday, Oct. 27, 2005

Below are the 5 bills before committee on Oct. 27, 2005 -- and what you need to know about them! In short: It's important that Bill H1050 be supported, and the others opposed!

Four of the bills include our OPT-IN Parents Notification Law and three "watered down" versions  -- submitted by people on our side (!) who it would appear would rather ask the Legislature for what's "reasonable" and "less contentious" instead of demanding what's right, even when it comes to homosexual indoctrination the children!

The fifth bill below is something we unfortunately often see -- a Trojan horse by a pro-gay legislator to force the teaching of subjects that parents want to decide upon for themselves.

Bill 1050 - OUR Opt-In Parents Notification Bill. This is the real thing! This bill is despised by the homosexual lobby and Planned Parenthood because it empowers parents. Protects children, parents, and even teachers from sex-ed and "sexual orientation issues" in the schools.

Bill H1050

Sponsors: Rep. Joyce Spiliotis, Rep. Emile Goguen, Sen. Robert Hedlund, Sen. Richard Moore, Rep. Daniel Webster, Rep. Vinnie deMacedo, Rep. Jeffrey Perry, Rep. Paul Kujawski, Rep. Marie Parente, Rep. Philip Travis, Rep. Shirley Gomes, Rep. Robert Hargraves, Rep. Bruce Ayers, Rep. Shirley Owens-Hicks, Rep. James Miceli

Chapter 71, section 32A of the General Laws is hereby amended to be the following:—

Section 32A. Every city, town, regional school district or vocational school district implementing or maintaining curriculum or portion thereof, or school sanctioned program or activity, which primarily involves a human sexual education, human sexuality issues, or sexual orientation issues shall adopt a written policy ensuring parental/guardian notification.

All such curriculum, programs, and activities shall be offered only in clearly identified non-mandatory elective courses in which parents or guardians may choose to enroll their children through written notification to the school, in a manner reasonably similar to other elective courses offered by the school district.

To the extent practicable, instruction materials and related items for said curriculum, programs, and activities shall be made reasonably accessible to parents, guardians, educators, school administrators, and others for inspection and preview.

No public school teacher or administrator shall be required to participate in any such curriculum, programs, or activities that violate his or her religious beliefs.

Bill H1166.  Watered down version. A look-alike, similar to ours, but notice that it doesn't include the words "or portion thereof" when discussing curriculum that's covered.  That's a BIG deal!  The schools can (and current do) use that to weasel out of their obligation unless it's included.

Bill H1166

Sponsors: Rep. Bradley Jones, Rep. George Peterson, Rep. John Lepper, Rep. Vinnie deMacedo, Rep. Elizabeth Poirier, Rep. Jeffrey Perry, Rep. Donald Humason, Rep. Susan Pope, Rep. Bradford Hill, Rep. Daniel Webster, Rep. Paul Loscocco, Rep. Shirley Gomes, Rep. Michael Coppola, Rep. Todd Smola, Rep. Richard Ross

Section 32A of chapter 71 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2002 Official Edition is hereby amended by striking out the section in its entirety and inserting in place thereof the following:

Section 32A. Every city, town, regional school district or vocational school district implementing or maintaining curriculum, or a school sanctioned program or activity, which primarily involves human sexual education, human sexuality issues, or sexual orientation issues shall adopt a written policy ensuring parental or legal guardian notification.

Such curriculum programs and activities, which primarily involves human sexual education, human sexuality issues, or sexual orientation, shall be offered only in clearly identified non- mandatory elective courses in which parents or guardians may choose to enroll their children through written notification to the school, in a manner reasonably similar to other elective courses offered by the school district.

To the extent practicable, instruction materials and related items for said curriculum, programs, and activities shall be made reasonably accessible to parents, guardians, educators, school administrators, and others for inspection and review.

No public school teacher or administrator shall be required to participate in any such curriculum program and activities which primarily involves human sexual education, human sexuality issues, or sexual orientation issues that violate his or her religious beliefs.

Bill H1015.  This is even worse.  It simply covers program or activities "which involves sex education" and doesn't mention "sexual orientation issues."  We've already seen schools claim that homosexuality, transgenderism, and homosexual relationships are not "sex education."  That's why we added those key phrases.  And this bill also doesn't have the phrase "or portion thereof."

Bill H1015

Sponsors: Rep. Elizabeth Poirier, Rep. Philip Travis, Rep. Michael Coppola, Rep. Jeffrey Perry, Rep. Vinnie deMacedo.

SECTION 32A of Chapter 71 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 1998 Official Edition is hereby amended by striking out the section in its entirety and replacing it thereof with the following: —

Any city, town or school district maintaining or implementing any curriculum, unit of study, school-sanctioned program or activity which involves sex education shall offer it only on an elective basis.

Given reasonable notice, prior review of said materials, as well as the questioning of teachers and administrators involved, will be extended to parents, guardians and/or their legal representatives. Written parent or guardian permission will be required for student participation.

No public school teacher or employee who feels that such curriculum or activity violates his or her religious beliefs shall be required to participate in any way.

Bill 1011.  Probably the worst of all. It allows a school principal to override the parents, and determine that "the well-being of the student" requires that the parents not be notified!!  What kind of insanity is this?  And also, the words "or portion thereof" and "sexual orientation issues" are not found, making this very weak, in addition.

Bill H1011

Sponsors: Rep. Kevin Murphy, Rep. Robert Hargraves, Rep. Mark Carron, Rep. Peter Larkin

Section 32A of Chapter 71 of the General Laws is hereby amended by striking out the first paragraph and inserting in place thereof the following:-

Section 32A. Every city, town, regional school district or vocational school district implementing or maintaining curriculum or school sanctioned program or activity which primarily involves human sexual education or human sexuality issues shall adopt a policy ensuring parental/guardian notification. All such curriculum, programs and activities shall be offered only in clearly identified non-mandatory courses that parents or guardians may choose to enroll their children through written notification to the school, in a manner reasonably similar to other elective courses offered by the school district; provided, however in the case where it is determined by a school principal, or his designee, that obtaining said notification would be detrimental to the well being of the student, then said student shall be exempt from the notification requirement herein described.

Bill H1079.  Really bad!  In the last election, Rep. Mark Falzone was endorsed by every major homosexual group in the state. So he's paying them back with this assault on parents.  This bill would mandate "HIV Prevention" and "emotional development" courses, among other things. In our experience, AIDS and HIV courses end up being homosexual indoctrination sessions, i.e., the opposite of what they really SHOULD tell kids -- which is that homosexual activity should be avoided at all costs to prevent AIDS. This bill needs to be defeated.

Bill H1079

Sponsor: Rep. Mark Falzone

Section 1 of chapter 71 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2000 Official Edition, is hereby amended by striking out the fifth sentence beginning in line 16, and inserting in place thereof the following sentence:— Instruction in health education shall include, but not be limited to, consumer health, ecology, community health, body structure and function, safety, nutrition, fitness and body dynamics, dental health, emotional development, AIDS/HIV prevention education, and training in the administration of first aid, including cardiopulmonary resuscitation, in accordance with policies and/or guidelines of the Board of Education in conjunction with the Department of Public Health.