Pro-family activism that makes a difference!

Pro-family bills in the MA Legislature

Here are the major pro-family bills filed by MassResistance and others

We're fighting back!

April 3, 2009   UPDATED March 2010

We believe that this is the year that the outrage of parents and citizens will finally boil over. Maybe it's the David Parker case, maybe it's the economy, maybe it's the enormous public money given to homosexual activists and other special interests in the schools and everywhere else. The Legislature is finally going to feel the wrath of our side. We've made sure that there are some good bills to clean things up.

Major good bills

1. David Parker Parents Rights Bill

H406 Text of bill - Education Committee
Rep. William Greene (D-Billerica)

As a reaction to the horrible David Parker case, this bill was tailored to address the overwhelming abuses against parents and children regarding homosexuality in the schools - in an airtight way that no court could unravel. Most importantly, it's "opt-in" rather than the current "opt-out", which doesn't work. And it goes further than that. It also protects parents and children from the psychologically intrusive and damaging surveys given to kids by schools, with reckless questions about death, suicide, sexual experimentation, and criminal activity that kids are routinely being asked to answer. (Filed by MassResistance.)

2. Repeal MA Commission for Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender Youth

H145 Text of bill - Text of current law
Committee on Children, Families & Persons with Disabilities
Rep. Robert Hargraves (R-Groton)

This official "Commission" is made up of the most radical, hardcore homosexual and transgender groups and activists in the state (including men who dress as women and a woman with a beard and sideburns). It spends $850,000 of tax money pushing homosexual programs in the schools, works with schoolchildren unsupervised, and is completely unaccountable. The Commission was created in 2006 by a sleazy maneuver in the Legislature - as a statute slipped in through the annual state budget process, and thus didn't have a public hearing or the usual steps for becoming a law. (Filed by MassResistance.)

3. Repeal of Buffer Zone law

H3840  Text of bill   Text of current law - Judiciary Committee
Rep. Robert Hargraves (R-Groton)

As you know, last year the Massachusetts Legislature passed a severe and blatantly unconstitutional "buffer zone" law, which curtails free speech from public sidewalks and streets within a 35-foot radius of abortion clinics. This is an outrage. But even more outrageous, the other Mass. pro-family groups are refusing to back this bill because they don't want to face the rage from the other side about it. (Filed by MassResistance)

4. Stop schools from providing pornography to children

H1337 Text of bill  Text of current law - Judiciary Committee
Rep. Vinnie deMacedo (R-Plymouth)

This has become a huge problem. Under the guise of "tolerance" schools are distributing (and assigning) materials to children that would legally be considered pornography. Last session, Amy Contrada of MassResistance was researching the General Laws and noticed that public schools are exempt from the laws regarding obscenity and "materials harmful to minors." So she filed S925, but it didn't get through. Luckily, Rep. DeMacedo has re-filed it. Hopefully, this year it will be successful.

5. Extend open meeting laws to include state agencies

S1458 Text of bill - Committee on State Administration & Regulatory Oversight
Sen. Bruce Tarr (R-Gloucester)

This is a very important bill written by Janet Aldrich and Comflm Registry. Currently, the Legislature exempts itself and its various committees (including the hideous Commission on Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender Youth) from large parts of the Open Meeting Law. For example, they often ban all photographs or videos during their public meetings - which normal public bodies may not do! We say: Let the sun shine in!

6. Women's Right to Know law

H1670 Text of bill - Judiciary Committee
Rep. Elizabeth Poirier (R-North Attleborough)

Also known as "Laura's Law" this would require abortion providers to give women complete and accurate information about abortions, to offset the huge pressure and propaganda that women in those situations now get.

Other good bills

7. Alternative Parents Rights Bill

H437  Text of bill - Education Committee
Rep. Brad Jones (R-North Reading)

This is the same bill that MassResistance wrote and filed in 2005 (with one or two words changed). We prefer the David Parker bill (above, which we believe is stronger and more comprehensive) but we could certainly support this one.

8. Require parental notification for mental health & suicide screenings

H511 Text of bill - Education Committee
Rep. Joyce Spiliotis (D-Peabody)

This provides for parental notification of any "mental health or suicide screening" of kids in the schools.

9. Require identification for voting

H578 Text of bill - Committee on Election Laws
Rep. Paul Frost (R-Auburn)

You've gotta love Rep. Paul Frost! Imagine actually requiring identification before voting. What a radical idea! Currently, the opportunity for voter fraud in Massachusetts is enormous because no identification is required. Unfortunately, the liberals will surely kill this bill as fast as they can.