Parents gather at Lexington Battle Green Sept. 6 demanding end to
outrageous no-trespass order. As school begins this week,
Town of Lexington continues to ban Parker from
all school property.
[See photos below]
How obnoxious is it? The order, issued on April 27, has several chilling effects on
- He cannot drop off or pick up his children from school
- He cannot attend his children's sports events or other school
- He cannot meet with his children's teachers at parent-teacher
- He cannot attend or participate in School Committee meetings
- He cannot vote on election day at his local polling place (a
public school).
Despite several pleas from both Parker and his lawyers, both
verbal and in writing, over the last several months, the Lexington
school officials have refused to relent. "This is strictly an act
of intimidation and harassment," said Brian Camenker, director of
the Parents' Rights Coalition and Article 8 Alliance. "They are
arrogantly trying to disrupt Parker's life and make him an example
to other parents who might want to demand their rights guaranteed
under the Massachusetts Parental Notification Act."
The no-trespass order can be viewed HERE:
Main entrance to battle green, guarded by Lexington's finest.
Yeah, the cops were there just to see we didn't get out of control.
Part of the rally crowd, on the Lexington Battle Green listening to the
Bob Bennett, Lexington parent of 7, was master of ceremonies.
Neil Tassel, Parker's lawyer and Lexington resident and Lexington High School
David Parker gave a GREAT speech, which we'll be posting soon.

We're taking back the rainbow !!!

A reporter from Boston homosexual newspaper Bay Windows shows up to take our
picture. They're obsessed with anything parents do to protect their kids.
When some of David's supporters lined the street across from the pro-gay
activists, that REALLY made them angry at us!