Pro-family activism that makes a difference!

Obscene and vulgar phone calls and emails from homosexual activists to organizers of Day of Silence Walkout

So much for "tolerance" -- see below . . .

POSTED: April 13, 2010

Last Thursday, April 8, two of the Day of Silence Walkout Coalition coordinatiors, Laurie Higgins and Linda Harvey, sent out a press release about the Day of Silence Walkout.  The press release which was sent out included their phone numbers and emails so the media could contact them.  It was a fairly normal press release – but unfortunately nothing is normal when it comes to this subject matter.

Within hours they began receiving the most obscene and disgusting emails and phone calls you could imagine, and it lasted for several days.  If you want to know what that movement is all about under the covers, look no further. These are the people want to be in your schools teaching your children.

Below is just some of what they received:


Phone messages  (1 min 44 sec): 

Obscene phone calls

Excerpts from emails sent to them:

You sick cunt, you are just bitter because your own husband is cheating on you like every straight man in the world does.

I hope you die of cancer...but rest assured, I do not mean that in a bigoted way, or a violent way, or a discriminatory way. just like you freaks always say.


Twin Vipers of Evil,

Homosexuality is a beautiful gift from God that people are born with. To deny such is disbelieve facts which makes you an ignorant and stupid person. And to tell people that disapproval and violence towards gay people is OK is wrong. I hope you stupid fucks get sued.

Marty Epstein

What is unacceptable and outrageous is that you are teaching and promoting bigotry and hate.
It's long, long past the time that your kind retired quietly to the shadows with the rest of the evildoers on this planet who, like you, promote violence, discrimination, bigotry, homophobia, separatism, and hate in the name of your personal gods.

All the hate. Jesus would be so proud of you.

Thankfully ignorant people who think like you are aging and dying out. By the way, F U C K YOU TOO.
You're endorsing bullying and harrassment?

How Christian of you.

you "christians" shove your agenda down the throats of every American, in schools, TV and censorship. Your religious "morals" are your personal choice, based on what you THINK "God" does or does not want. I am gay, and a very "moral" person.....just depends on who's defining the word "moral" now doesn't it. Affirm your own beliefs in your church or at your home but don't demonize me in public its not "nice" and not very "Christian" of you.

So much for loving they fellow man. Oh, but that only goes for those who follow and believe the vile crap you spew. Humankind's future is screwed if everyone gets to be as hateful as you people are.

Why don't you just tell people to throw stones or burn people at the stake while you are at it?

Yeah, I realize that this is a hateful email, but at least it is direct and I am not trying to brainwash people. Gordon Lindert

when people like you sin, it's because you hate, it's because you lie about things that have nothing to do with you, it's because you place yourselves on higher platforms and judge others, as if you ever had that authority.

Don't be surprised when Judgement Day comes and you find yourself in a place you didn't expect.

Faith based bigotry is among the worst and most evil kind because believers like you, using nothing but your faith, feel entitled to preach your beliefs as if they are true even when proven other wise. 150 year ago you would have been taking a stand in favor of slavery, using your faith as an example. If you doubt that, ask yourself who would those people be today? Where would they be in our society? What would their causes be today? History has shown bigots rely on faith to justify their evilness. Your maker will not ask you who you loved, but who you hated. And that answer will seal your fate.

Matty James

1) You deserve to be shut down cause what you say is evil. It is not congratulatory for an adult woman to be for no name calling. You are an oppressor and worse in deep denial.
2) Your morality is your own delusional sense of superiority.
3) A habit is behavior. You feel behavior is a result of morality. Read your own ignorant filth on sexual orientation and morality you are attempting to use as justification for discrimination.
4) Keeping children uninformed of the diversity around them is diminishing and you have no problem denying gay children equality that you would demand for straight youth. For that you can burn slowly in your self described hell. Ask yourself if you would willingly support a gay child bringing the same gender as their date to a prom. Then shove your silly gameplaying up your ass.
5)Gay people tolerate you, not the other way around. Accept or don't accept. I don't care if you remain ignorant. Your agenda is what will be defeated. You can live in a black hole forever for all i care. Your thinking is already contained there. Bullying LGBTQ people is a fact. Stop being evasive.

I wonder in this day and age how someone could possibly be so bigoted and hateful as you.
I am sure you call yourself a Christian. But my God, indeed any God, would find your lack of compassion and outright stupidity to be shameful.

LGBT youth in our schools are at higher risk for bullying (both verbal and physical), for queer bashing, and for violence. Why? Because we have 'christians' in the media telling impressionable youth that LGBT youth are lesser than, are going to hell, are predators, are 'sinners', and are engaging in 'immoral' and 'unethical' behaviors. You and other 'christians' like you are responsible for the filth you put out. People like you, who spew hateful and unprovoked speech towards other who are different from you, are destructive to not only yourselves, your family, your friends but also to society at large. I am amazed but not surprised that you feel no shame in openly inciting others to bully and harass LGBT youth, it seems to me that you are lacking something in the way of basic human dignity, integrity, and empathy. Perhaps you should focus on your own shortcomings before you try to guide our youth in their development as members of our society. I hope your children have other adults in their lives that may provide a better model of what a loving christian looks and acts like.

Laura Meriwether
Davis, CA

You are a very hateful woman. I'm sorry that you think you are worthy of being listened to.

Did you not learn your lesson from Hemant Mehta?

[NOTE: Hemant Mehta is a high school math teacher in the Chicago suburbs who has a blog called "The Friendly Atheist."]


I have gay relatives as well as gay friends and your hateful words toward an entire group of people is a disgrace.

Thankfully ignorant people who think like you are aging and dying out. By the way, F U C K YOU TOO.

Where did you get the idea that you're in a position to call me immoral?

The bible? The book that is proven to be filled with ridiculous contradictions and crap? This ridiculous book that was written by men for the purpose of controlling people and STILL used for the same purpose?

This book gives YOU the right to judge me?

Lady, I had a near death experience when I was 22 years old. It was made clear to ME that I needed to come out and live my life proud of who I am. That God made me the way I am for a reason. That I may never understand, but I am okay. It was made clear to me that living any other way was out of the question.

But you think you're in a position to judge me?

I have met my maker and been judged. You do NOT know what you're talking about. The only judgement you should be passing is on your own pathetic inability to love everything God made. Including homosexuals!

What makes you think I don't love and hurt and everything else every other human being feels?

If you asked me, you're the disease.

Your hatred is misdirected. Your heart is a stone. Your mind is a steel trap.

You have no more connection to a living God than any of your counterparts.

You're church people rape children and spew hatred and intolerance.

You're the sick ones lady. You really need your head examined.

Scott Bailey

Putting down people for who and what they innately are is hate and if you cannot figure that out then you are one dumb idiotic human being worthy of being called a bitch. Gay people and those that love and accept them as equals are not the least bit interested in what some ignorant troll like you dictates as moral. If you feel sexual orientation is a habit then you are the one in need of getting into a classroom to educate yourself. Social and political action has been in school classrooms for decades. Get a new cue card. What you really mean is you simply do not like what you don't approve of and for that you are a stupid woman. There are gay children in the school system throughout this world and you will not have the last word on the feelings of security and rights they are entitled to. Much bullying is a direct result of homophobia and transgendered issues as well as prejudice, racism etc. and addressing those issue head on is the only way to combat the subject. Gay people also subsidize public education you filthy rotten minded fool and no one is seeking your acceptance. Your ignorance will be defeated because no one is going to allow you to spread your hate. Go back into the dark ages. You are completely out of your mind.

From Garret Lambert <>

Shame on you. Jesus was about love. You seem to have forgotten that.

From Ulo Klemmer <>

*Hello, My Name is Ulo Klemmer...........i am a resident of Australia, and am writing to you to let you know that the whole world is looking at your anti Homosexuality crusade, as another disgusting episode of American history, if you do not like homosexuality, do NOT particpate in it, and let those that are born to it, THRIVE and add to the great diverity of out human NATURE..........your efforts HARM, many people, including your own reputation as a decent human being...........cheers.................Ulo

From Bradley Eberts <>

you are an ignorant, closed-minded piece of shit and you WILL burn in hell for eternity. FUCK YOU PIECE OF SHIT ASSHOLE




From "John/Smith" John/Smith <>

You are all disgusting hate mongers. Do you really thing God has a place in heaven for the people who put this trash out there?

From L M

Explain to your children why you're taking a stand:

a. Your parents are bigots
b. No matter what evidence is presented to the contrary, your parents will cling to their bigoted opinions
c. Your parents hate blacks and Mexicans, too. We just can't be honest about that these days.
d. Homophobia is not equal to racism because it is harder for your parents to make money by spreading racism.
e. Your parents think they know more about what you should be taught in school even though they have no qualifications.
f. Your parents think that basic human rights are a political issue and should be up for debate.

Stuart Weddell

From Laura Meriwether <>

To: Linda Harvey and Laurie Higgins,

A. If homosexuality is not an innate trait, than neither is heterosexuality... If you expect me to suppress my natural inclinations, I say, "You first."
B. No loving relationship is immoral, and I laugh at the idea of even wanting to resist it. It brings me happiness and enriches my life.
C. No it is not equivalent to race, neither though is religion.
D. I completely disagree. LGBT youth in our schools are at higher risk for bullying (both verbal and physical), for queer bashing, and for violence. Why? Because we have 'christians' in the media telling impressionable youth that LGBT youth are lesser than, are going to hell, are predators, are 'sinners', and are engaging in 'immoral' and 'unethical' behaviors. You and other 'christians' like you are responsible for the filth you put out.
E. Every school, especially every public school, has a responsibility to provide every student a safe and harassment free space in which to learn, grow, and develop as an individual. LGBT people are not physically, emotionally, or spiritually destructive to individuals or society. People like you, who spew hateful and unprovoked speech towards other who are different from you, are destructive to not only yourselves, your family, your friends but also to society at large. I am amazed but not surprised that you feel no shame in openly inciting others to bully and harass LGBT youth, it seems to me that you are lacking something in the way of basic human dignity, integrity, and empathy. Perhaps you should focus on your own shortcomings before you try to guide our youth in their development as members of our society. I hope your children have other adults in their lives that may provide a better model of what a loving christian looks and acts like.
F. Standing up for yourself (yes, even when you are a 'homosexual' youth) is free speech, and so we are entitled to it via the US constitution.

Sincerely and in complete opposition,
Laura Meriwether
Davis, CA

From MIchael Barber <>

Dear Vipers,

Your hatred knows no bounds. Since there are no gods and goddesses your entire position concerning my life and those of LGBT teens is untenable. Keep your perverse "morals" out of my tax paying schools. You are bigots and haters of the highest degree and deserve no respect.

a. "christianist" behavior is not an innate identity.
b. No matter what factors may influence "christianist" feelings, freely chosen "christianist" behavior is immoral and should be resisted.
c. "christianity" is not equivalent to race.
d. Disapproval of "christianity" is not equivalent to racism; nor is it hatred; nor is it bullying; nor does it constitute an incitement to violence. It is permissible and ethical to express disapproval of "christianity". Just because someone may feel bad when hearing that someone disapproves of "christianist" behaviour does not mean that disapproval is cruel or wrong.
e. No school should support a view of "christianity" that is unproven and controversial, and that is physically, emotionally, and spiritually destructive to individuals and society.
f. No school should allow instructional time to be proselytized.

From gordon <>

So much for loving they fellow man. Oh, but that only goes for those who follow and believe the vile crap you spew. Humankind's future is
screwed if everyone gets to be as hateful as you people are. Why don't you just tell people to throw stones or burn people at the stake while you are at it?

Yeah, I realize that this is a hateful email, but at least it is direct and I am not trying to brainwash people.

Gordon Lindert

From Mark Garrabrant <>

I saw your document to parents to help them deal with removing their children from schools that participate in the Day of Silence.

Regardless about how you feel about gay people, this document makes it clear that you support anti-gay bullying and harassment, because that;s what the Day of Silence is about,

Apparently you think this is OK.

It's not.

This is as big a definition of hate that I can think of- that some children aren't worth as much as others, that maybe they even deserve what happens to them just because they are different, or don;t line up with the tenets of Christianist mythology.

I delight in the fact that the Day of Silence, in which the students aren't really doing ANYTHING drives you guys nuts.

Thanks for your attention.

Mark Garrabrant

From paul jorgensen <>

Your intolerance saddens me. Why are you so afraid of other people? Perhaps you'd like to become a fully fledged Nazi and kill anyone you feel uncomfortable with.


From Cat Keller <>

I'm a heterosexual mother of 3 children.
I taught my children what all mothers should - to support others and to look for the common connection between them and those around them. All living things are connected.
What is unacceptable and outrageous is that you are teaching and promoting bigotry and hate.
It's long, long past the time that your kind retired quietly to the shadows with the rest of the evildoers on this planet who, like you, promote violence, discrimination, bigotry, homophobia, separatism, and hate in the name of your personal gods.

Now here is how your missive would read by replacing just one word.
Do you think this is right? Is this what we should be teaching the children?
Separatism? Bigotry? If this offends you - I might remind you that YOU wrote it.
I changed only the one word identifying the group YOU hate for the group you identify with.
Shame on you. Shame on all of you.

From Paul James <>

a. Homosexual behavior is not an innate identity. Says who? Have you asked a homosexual?
b. No matter what factors may influence homosexual feelings, freely chosen homosexual behavior is immoral and should be resisted. Opinion, not fact.
c. Homosexuality is not equivalent to race. Your point?
d. Disapproval of homosexuality is not equivalent to racism; nor is it hatred; nor is it bullying; nor does it constitute an incitement to violence. It is permissible and ethical to express disapproval of homosexuality. Just because someone may feel bad when hearing that someone disapproves of homosexuality does not mean that disapproval is cruel or wrong. Agreed, you have every right to your opinion. It becomes bullying and hatred when you attempt to legislate my life and stand in the way of my pursuit of happiness.
e. No school should support a view of homosexuality that is unproven and controversial, and that is physically, emotionally, and spiritually destructive to individuals and society. No school should support a religiously based view that is unproven and controversial, and that is physically and emotionally destructive to gay individuals, their parents, children, and loved ones.
f. No school should allow instructional time to be politicized. Or religiousized either!

And look, I can use the bible to support my opinion about you.
"Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church." (I Corinthians 14:34-35)

Corinthians 14:34 The women are to keep silent in the churches; for they are not permitted to speak, but are to subject themselves, just as the Law also says.

From Russ Hemphill <>

Many thanks for your efforts to organize a walkout of the Day of Silence. Through this action, it becomes very clear to those who actually attend school on the Day of Silence who their allies are. . .and who is actually living with bigots and intolerant folk. But many thanks and kudos.

With your push to pull young folk out of school you generate more opportunities for those peers to actually consider the actual intolerance placed on youth and how it affects not only young people, but their dedicated teachers and mentors. Your actions create more opportunities for families to discuss the challenges faced by today's youth.

I strongly encourage you to continue your efforts to boycott the DAY of Silence for it brings a face to the intolerant, misinformed and confused. KUDOS

ciao, rusty
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." Dr. Suess

From douglas friedman <>

Evil in the name of Christ

it's amazing the way you can justify abhorrent behavior (yours)and condemn mine.


Doug Friedman
a homosexual

From <>

You're endorsing bullying and harrassment?

How Christian of you.

At a time when our country is driven apart with hate anger and derisiveness. We have non-christian wingnuts like you making it worse. You have no clue as the meaning Christianity or the teachings of Christ. You are promoting hate fear and bigotry. People like are rotting inside with anger and fear. You are poison to our society.

There now see how like it.

Mark Lawrence

Salt Lake City