Pro-family activism that makes a difference!

Homosexual lobby's lawsuit to strike down federal Defense of Marriage Act heard in US District Court in Boston

Going back to most reliable method of deconstructing society

POSTED: May 12, 2010

After losing 31 elections on same-sex "marriage" across the country, the homosexual lobby is back using their most reliable method for deconstructing American society: the court system. But this time it's even more of a cakewalk.

The tax-supported "Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders" legal group (GLAD) is challenging the constitutionality of the Federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) signed by Bill Clinton in 1993. GLAD, led by now-famous lesbian lawyer Mary Bonauto, is the group that won the infamous Goodridge case in 2003 before the Mass. SJC, which ruled in favor of same-sex "marriage."

(Note that this is a separate lawsuit from the one Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley filed against the DOMA law last July, which targets a separate section of the DOMA law. In other words, there is a two-pronged attack.)

Last Thursday in the US District Court in Boston, Judge Joseph L. Tauro heard the arguments in the case between Bonauto and W. Scott Simpson, a lawyer for the US Dept. of Justice.

Not exactly heavy lifting for GLAD

How easy is this for GLAD? The US District Court in Boston is one of the most liberal in the country. Judge Joseph Tauro, an elderly left-wing Nixon appointee, is the same judge who upheld the law requiring a 35-foot buffer zone around abortion clinics, ruling that it was not a First Amendment issue! The Justice Dept. lawyer defending the DOMA law told the Boston Globe that "the Obama administration agrees that the federal law is discriminatory and supports its repeal." And it's all being covered by the ultra-left Boston media.

VIDEO: Press conference by GLAD lawyer Mary Bonauto in front of the courthouse immediately after the hearing as she answers the softball questions by the fawning Boston press, using absurd logic regarding the meaning of marriage.
[Exclusive video by Janet Aldrich / Catch of the Day.]

And what about the vast majority of Americans who feel that DOMA is necessary? We all know the answer to that question.

Press coverage the next day:

      Boston Globe: "Case is made vs US marriage law"

      Wall St. Journal: "Obama's DOMA Dilemma"

      New York Times: "Marriage Law Is Challenged as Equaling Discrimination"

      Bay Windows (homosexual newspaper): "DOMA challenge goes to court"

And in today's Boston Globe, Jeff Jacoby had this very good op-ed article describing the situation:

      Boston Globe: "Who decides what ‘marriage’ means?"