National homosexual group targeting Massachusetts to push new "transgender rights and hate crimes bill" via workplace action
Pushing agenda by applying for jobs as cross-dressers, etc.
POSTED: Jan 28, 2011
This time they are very serious about pushing "transgenderism" into society through force of law (and punishment).
The national homosexual group Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has targeted Massachusetts with a transgender workplace initiative, to help push the newly re-filed Transgender Rights and Hate Crimes bill in the Legislature.
Working with BAGLY (part of the of the Commission for Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender Youth) and the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition, HRCs campaign will start with a training sessions for openly "transgendered" people -- i.e., cross-dressers, those who have undergone "sex-change" surgeries, etc. -- to go into the workplace applying for jobs and use their "discrimination" experiences as statistical reasons why discrimination and hate crimes laws need to be imposed on society covering transgenderism, cross-dressing, and similar behaviors.
They also want businesses to be softened to it by seeing a parade of men in dresses, etc., come in looking for jobs - demanding to be treated normally. This is likely being done with the cooperation of some corporate human resources offices, which tend to be more left-wing than other parts of companies.
Here's the Boston Herald report on the HRC transgender push in Boston:
Jobs program targets transgender people
By Donna Goodison, Boston Herald
Monday, January 24, 2011
See article on web
The nation's largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender civil rights group has picked Boston to launch its inaugural "Back to Work" seminars for transgender job-seekers.
The Washington, D.C.-based Human Rights Campaign hopes to help highlight a proposed transgender equal rights bill that would add the categories of gender identity and gender expression to Massachusetts' non-discrimination and hate crimes laws.
"The goal of the Back to Work program is to equip transgender job-seekers with essential skills to make the most of this job market that's very difficult for everyone, but especially so for them," said Allyson Robinson, the HRC's associate director of diversity.
Transgender people experience unemployment at twice the rate of their fellow citizens, according to a 2009 study by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and the National Center for Transgender Equality, according to Robinson.
"This was prior to the very difficult downturn," she said. "I know that number is higher today."
A full 26 percent of the 6,500 survey respondents reported having been fired not because of their job performance but their gender identity.
"Put quite simply, we face a tremendous amount of bias and prejudice in the workplace and in the hiring process," Robinson said. "We're working to deal with that in a number of ways, including working for laws and corporate policies that (prohibit) discrimination against transgender people. But, until those laws are in place, we want to meet it head on by making transgender people the most well-prepared people who show up for job interviews."
Participants in the free two-day Back to Work seminar will receive instruction on preparing a resume, researching the job market, building a professional network and interviewing techniques from the Foundation for New Directions, a nonprofit, transgender-owned career coaching organization based in Atlanta.
"These are the kinds of things that anyone in this job market would benefit from," Robinson said.
The first 30 people who sign up at will be assigned their own career coach.
The seminars will be held Feb. 26-27 at the Boston office of the AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts.
We'll be reporting more on the "Transgender rights and hate crimes" bill in the upcoming weeks. Passing that bill in Massachusetts is the homosexual lobby's number one objective this year. But with your help, we'll stop it again!