Groundbreaking conference on for teenagers and parents “Confronting the LGBT Agenda” in your schools! In Ft. Worth TX, Nov. 18
By Texas-MassResistance – hosted by the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Finally, a conference that doesn’t back down!
September 29, 2017
Pro-family teenagers and their parents have long needed a conference like this!
For years pro-family parents and their children across America have sought help from MassResistance and other pro-family groups about how to deal with the radical LGBT agenda being pushed relentlessly in their schools.
Kids in school must endure oppressive and psychologically intrusive programs, “gay” student clubs, teaching methods, propaganda, false “facts”, and twisted logic. It becomes a battle against activist teachers, administrators, school committee members, and even brainwashed fellow students.
What you're up against. This is the actual schedule of an all-day "Transgender Bisexual Gay and Lesbian Awareness Day" event held this past April at a high school. Classwork postponed so teachers can bring their classes to each program.
For decades, we have worked on the front lines and counseled educated, and even organized parents and youth to fight back in their schools. But it’s mostly been a piecemeal effort.
Now, teenagers and their parents can get virtually the whole package in one day. The On Nov. 18 from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm, the Teens4Truth Conference will be held at the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS) in Ft. Worth, Texas. (There will also be a reception on the evening before, Nov. 17, for early attendees, with a welcoming address and a 45-minute video.)
This full-day conference will be a veritable boot-camp of no-holds-barred training for teenagers and parents on information, strategies, and activism. To our knowledge, no one has ever done a conference like this.
Sponsored by Texas MassResistance
This groundbreaking event is organized and sponsored by our outstanding Texas chapter, Texas MassResistance. Dr. Robert Oscar Lopez, the leader of Texas-MassResistance, is a professor of humanities at SWBTS. The Seminary is hosting this event.
Dr. Robert Oscar Lopez
As Dr. Lopez says:
Let’s tell teenagers the truth … Not silence, where we pretend that the harmful trends are not swirling around us (or them). Not the state-approved propaganda about tolerance and equality for all kinds of sex, families, relationships, love or (fill in the blank). Not a “conversation” where we talk around difficult issues and scramble to avoid being called “bigots.” Just the truth.
Also -- for dealing with compromising churches
This conference will also help equip the attendees to deal with their own churches which may be succumbing to the LBGT propaganda. (The Southern states in particular are the target of a multi-million dollar campaign by the LGBT “Human Rights Campaign” to infiltrate and subvert conservative Christian churches.)
This is the conference that the LGBT mov't fears the most
Working closely with Dr. Lopez to organize the conference is David Pickup, a licensed therapist who specializes in authentic Reparative Therapy, which helps thousands of youth and adults heal the psychological wounds that cause homosexual feelings and gender dysphoria, who then experience real and lasting change. See the speech that David gave at the Texas MassResistance conference in Austin last April.
There will be special breakout groups for teens and parents. Experts on all the flashpoints in school controversy, from “born this way” to “children’s sexual rights” to “sex reassignment” and bathrooms, and much more. A few prominent Texas religious leaders are also presenting.
Some of the sessions already on the schedule:
- What Does the Bible Really Say about LGBT Issues?
- Answering the LGBT Agenda in Churches & Schools: A Real Education in Nature
- For students: How you can set the Record Straight in Your Schools - for Students
- How healing and change is possible.
- Your Political & Legal Rights are Under Siege
- The REAL Research and Evidence of LGBT Philosophy
- For Parents: How you can be the “go to person” for your child’s questions about sexuality
- For Parents: How YOU Can Speak Up and Get Involved
- For Students: All Your LGBT Questions Answered
- You Are Called to Act (Action Items)
The entire conference schedule is still being updated, as some speakers are being added.
The intent is to give both kids and their parents the information and ammunition they need. The speakers are specialized in this knowledge and activism, and include at least two public school teachers – for an inside view of what’s really going on.
Entrance to the main building complex of the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth, TX.
Parents and teens will come out with an understanding of: The lies they’re being told; the psychological manipulation and intimidation that is taking place; how to fight back; overcoming your fears and importance of telling the truth; and making real change in your school and church.
For more information, and how to attend: Go to the Teens4Truth Conference website.
We are really excited about this conference. If you (and your teenager) can be in the Ft. Worth area on Nov. 18, don’t wait. A number of churches in the area are already getting involved. This is likely to fill up!
Close the classroom door on the agenda.