Canadian pro-family activists and citizens!
Bill Whatcott – Canadian Pro-Family Activist and Free Speech Warrior – is continuing to be unjustly persecuted by the Ontario Attorney General.

Bill Whatcott, a resident of Alberta, is still being prosecuted by the Ontario Ministry of Justice. In 2016 - over eight years ago - Bill passed out flyers with Gospel tracts at the Toronto Gay Pride parade.
In most of the world (including the US) this would not be considered a "crime." But in order to please the LGBT community, the Ontario government absurdly charged Bill with "willful incitement of hatred," and spent over a million dollars bringing him to trial, including hiring "expert witnesses" to testify against him.
You can read all about it here.
After an 8-day trial, Bill was acquitted of all charges. As he should have been!
But the Ontario Attorney General, Doug Downey, refuses to let it go. Downey's office has appealed the acquittal. He is spending hundreds of thousands of tax dollars to bring Bill back into court for a second trial!
(The AG made the frivolous claim that a retrial is necessary because judge did not let a homosexual activist "scholar" testify as an expert witness.)
Yes, Bill Whatcott is being charged and tried again for the same “crime”! This is an abuse of power, and pure political persecution.
Please take action: We are asking for all Canadians, especially Ontario residents, to contact the Ontario Attorney General Doug Downey and demand that he drop this case. This is an abuse of process and a waste of taxpayer money.
Contact information for Ontario AG Doug Downey:
Constituency office:
Unit 14
20 Bell Farm Rd.
Barrie, ON L4M 6E4
Tel.: 705-726-5538
Fax: 705-726-2880
Ministry office:
Ministry of the Attorney General
McMurtry-Scott Building
11th Floor
720 Bay St.
Toronto, ON M7A 2S9
Tel.: 416-326-2220
Here is a sample letter that you can read or write to the AG:
Dear AG Downey:
My name is ______________________. I am a Canadian citizen and taxpayer.
I am contacting your office to urge you to drop the criminal prosecution of William Whatcott of Alberta, CA in the matter Rex v. Whatcott (2016, 2024).
He was only exercising his charter rights of freedom of speech, religion, and assembly when he attended the Toronto Pride Parade in 2016.
All he did was pass out Gospel tracts, which contained medically accurate information and did not intend any harm or incite hatred against anyone. He did nothing wrong.
This ongoing criminal prosecution of Bill Whatcott is just political persecution, all of which started under the previous Ontario provincial government. There is no reason for the Ford Government to continue this matter.
This case is a flagrant violation of all legal and constitutional norms in Canada, and it is a massive waste of time and taxpayer funds. Serious crimes are happening on the streets of Toronto and throughout other urban regions of the province, yet there is little to no prosecution of these crimes. Focus on real crimes, and stop the perverse prosecution of Bill Whatcott!
Please dismiss this case once for all.
Thank you.
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