Idaho State Rep introduces MassResistance resolution urging SCOTUS to overturn Obergefell “gay marriage” ruling. Gets positive response in legislature.
Makes headlines across the state. Momentum gaining across the country.
Formal hearing on resolution this week!
January 19, 2025

MassResistance’s push for state legislatures across the country to pass resolutions urging the US Supreme Court to overturn its 2015 Obergefell “gay marriage” ruling is expanding across the country.
A resolution (see text here) has now been officially filed in Idaho by State Representative Heather Scott.
This follows an announcement by Michigan State Rep. Josh Schriver that he will be filing a similar resolution.

The 2015 Obergefell ruling (passed 5-4 by activist Justices) was deeply flawed on constitutional grounds. And two of the Justices (Ginsburg and Kagan) legally should have recused themselves because they had previously officiated at “gay weddings” – demonstrating obvious bias in that case.
There are now eight states where legislators will be filing the resolution this session. Besides Michigan and Idaho, these are: Arizona, Kansas, Iowa, Kansas, Mississippi, North Dakota. About a dozen more states are considering it.
In 2022, the Supreme Court revisited the flawed Roe v. Wade abortion ruling and overturned it. Justice Thomas stated in his opinion in that case that a similar flaw in the Obergefell case (and also the infamous Lawrence and Griswold cases) should also cause those to be reconsidered.

Reaction in Idaho legislature is “But of course!”
The reaction in Idaho’s overwhelmingly Republican legislature has been positive, according to what we’ve been told by insiders. Several Idaho state lawmakers have been quoted in the press supporting the resolution.
In 2006, 63% of Idaho voters approved a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage, which the Obergefell ruling overturned.

Not surprisingly, the Idaho Democrats have fallen back on their usual talking points. In a joint statement, House and Senate minority leaders called the resolution a “sad distraction.” The state Democrat Party called it “another example of the extreme wing of the Republican Party ginning up divisive social issues.” And of course, leftists are venting on social media.
Committee hearing this week. Now that it’s officially filed, the first legislative hurdle is a committee hearing and vote later this week.
Reaction by the Idaho media
It’s rare that a resolution gets any press at all. But this story reverberated across the state! Interestingly, the coverage by the Idaho media – even public radio – was surprisingly straightforward and unbiased. Here are some examples:
Idaho Capital Sun: Idaho House begins session with legislation on same-sex marriage, Boise State volleyball
Idaho Press: Committee introduces bill asking Supreme Court to reconsider legality of same-sex marriage
Boise State Public Radio / NPR: Idaho Legislature's first order of business: overturning same-sex marriage
Tribune-Review: Idaho lawmakers move to restore ‘natural definition’ of marriage, bring back same-sex ban
National media picks it up
The national media that covered this was far more biased than the Idaho media.
Newsweek: New Republican Measure Aims to Get Supreme Court to End Same-Sex Marriage
Yahoo!News: Idaho Republicans file resolution to repeal marriage equality
Esquire: I’m Not Liking the Odds on Obergefell Surviving “Given what’s happening in Idaho, the future of gay marriage may be in peril.”
LGBTQ Nation (homosexual news site): Republican asks Supreme Court to condemn & overturn same-sex marriage

Final thoughts
No one else in the pro-family/conservative movement is doing anything like this. Frankly, many are afraid of backlash from leftists, the LGBT movement, and RINOs.
But MassResistance believes in the need to push the envelope forward – not just “play defense.” And lots of people in legislatures are agreeing with us!

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