2017-2019: British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal convicts Bill for passing out "misgendering" flyers

Bill was charged with “hate” for passing out flyers referring to a male transgender political candidate as male. After a bizarre week-long trial in Dec. 2018, Bill was found “guilty” and fined $55,000. See MassResistance’s exclusive coverage below:

The "crime"

Bill Whatcott’s “crime”: Passing out flyers (with Bible verses) that tell the truth! 12/16/18

Whatcott handed out this flyer about candidate Morgane Oger before a local election in Vancouver, April 2017.

Local news coverage: “Bill Whatcott Distributes Anti-Trans Morgane Oger Flyers Targeting Vancouver-False Creek Voters,” CTV News Vancouver, April 27, 2017.

Photo: candidate Morgane Oger

Events leading up to the hearing

Bill Whatcott’s speech before pro-family conference in Calgary (prior to trial) –“The history of homosexual activism in Canada – and my upcoming trial.” Video here. Transcript here. 12/1/18

Bill Whatcott takes the reins of new our Canada MassResistance chapter. Headed for B.C. Human Rights Tribunal "hate speech" trial this week 
For passing out flyers in Vancouver (still legal in the US!). 12/7/18

Why should this Canadian trial be important to you? (12/15/18)

The British Columbia Human Rights Code that Whatcott was charged with violating. [Excerpts]

Bill's 5-day hearing in at the Tribunal offices in Vancouver, BC

Exclusive day-by-day coverage of the trial by MassResistance: Our MassResistance reporter Amy Contrada traveled to Vancouver, attended the trial, and also interviewed Bill extensively.

VERDICT: BC Human Rights Tribunal fines Bill Whatcott $55,000 for expressing Christian views on "transgenderism"
Unbelievable 104-page ruling from Tribunal - "mis-gendering" is now a "hate crime." Watch out - this is what is coming to America! 4/3/19

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